Alternative names:
lactation; nursing
Side effects:
Moms who breastfeed may experience: - nipple soreness
- breast engorgement
- leaking breasts
- let-down reflex (other than during breastfeeding)
- inadequate milk supply
- difficulty knowing how much milk the baby is drinking
Moms who breastfeed their babies may feel: - confused by lack of experience or support
- afraid or ashamed to ask for help for such a "natural" activity
- overwhelmed by the time commitment
- exhausted by the frequent feedings (every 2 to 3 hours, day and night)
- socially isolated from other relationships and activities
- frightened by conflicting emotions of enjoyment and resentment
Note: Cow's milk by itself is not an adequate source of complete nutrition for infants. Commercially prepared formulas for bottle feeding are excellent sources of nutrition for babies that do not breastfeed.