for organophosphate: - body as a whole
- respiratory
- eyes, ears, nose, and throat
- skin
- gastrointestinal
- nervous system
Note: Serious poisoning can occur from just handling the organophosphate without gloves or without washing hands soon after exposure. Significant amounts are absorbed through the skin unless proper precautions are observed.
for carbamate: - body as a whole
- weakness
- sweating
- convulsions
- increased urination
- respiratory
- eyes, ears, nose, and throat
- skin
- blue lips and fingernails
- gastrointestinal
- loss of appetite
- abdominal cramps
- diarrhea
- nausea and/or vomiting
- nervous system
- headache
- anxiety
- dizziness
- coma
Note: Serious poisoning can occur from just handling the carbamate without gloves or without washing hands soon after exposure. Significant amounts are absorbed through the skin unless proper precautions are observed.
for paradichlorobenzene: - body as a whole
- gastrointestinal
for pyrethrum (pyrethrin):