Eardrum repair
Alternative names:
An operation to repair a tear in the eardrum (tympanic membrane) or the small bones in the middle ear. Ruptured or perforated eardrums are usually caused by middle-ear infections or trauma (for example, an object in the ear, a slap on the ear, explosions, or recurrent excessive ear pressure from flying or diving). The small bones are repaired to treat hearing loss.
Under general anesthesia, an ear-nose-throat specialist grafts a small patch from a vein onto the eardrum to repair the tear. For problems with the small bones (ossicles), the surgeon will use an operating microscope to view and repair the chain of small bones using plastic devices or ossicles from a donor.
If healing does not occur with antibiotics or other nonoperative treatment, a tympanoplasty may be indicated.
Chronic middle ear infections are described as: - 5 or more ear infections in a year, or
- 3 or more ear infections a year over a two-year period
Signs of chronic ear infections include persistent ear pain, ear drainage, or hearing loss (over a 3-month period).