Visual acuity - home test
What the risks are:
There are no risks.
Special considerations:
If there are any of the following symptoms, have a professional eye examination: - difficulty focusing on near objects
- objects or faces looking blurred or foggy
- double vision
- impression of "skin" or "film" over the eye
- frequently changing of glasses which are unsatisfactory
- trouble seeing at night, trouble adjusting to darkened rooms
- light flashes, dark spots, or ghostlike images
- rainbow-colored rings around lights
- vertical lines look wavy
- eye pain
- experiencing a blotting out of vision (curtainlike)
If children have any of the following symptoms, they should also have a professional eye examination. - thrusting head forward
- eyes watering
- crossed eyes
- tilting head
- excessive blinking
- puckering the face
- frowning, scowling, or squinting
- sitting close to the television
- poor grades in school