Dilated cardiomyopathy
Alternative names:
cardiomyopathy - dilated
Note: Symptoms often develop gradually, and are usually associated with heart failure. Some chest pain may also be associated with this disease.
Signs and tests:
Cardiomyopathy is usually discovered on examination and testing for the cause of heart failure. Tapping the area with the fingers (percussion) and feeling the area (palpation) may indicate enlargement of the heart. Listening to the chest with a stethoscope (auscultation) reveals lung crackles, heart murmur, or other abnormal sounds. The liver may be enlarged. Neck veins may be distended. Blood pressure may be low or may drop when rising to a standing position (orthostatic hypotension).
Heart enlargement, congestion of the lungs, decreased movement/functioning of the heart, or heart failure may show on: An ECG may show conduction disturbances and/or arrhythmias, and may indicate enlargement of the ventricles. Heart biopsy may be helpful to distinguish dilated cardiomyopathy from other diseases. Lab tests vary depending on the suspected cause.