Infectious mononucleosis (EB)
Alternative names:
mononucleosis - EB; Epstein-Barr viral syndrome, mono
Most patients recover within 4 to 6 weeks without medication.
There is no specific treatment available; antiviral medications
do not help. Rest is needed, sometimes for a month or longer.
Relieve pain and fever
with analgesics, and
use warm salt water gargles for sore
throat. A high protein,
decreased fat diet and
vitamin supplements may be recommended.
Expectations (prognosis):
Fever usually abates
in 10 days, and swollen lymph
glands and spleen heal in 4 weeks. Fatigue
may linger for 2 to 3 months.
Calling your health care provider:
Call for an appointment with your health care provider if
symptoms indicate mononucleosis.
Go to the emergency room or call the local emergency number
(such as 911) if a sharp, sudden pain in left upper abdomen
occurs. This could indicate a ruptured spleen, which requires
emergency surgery.
Updated Date: 02/09/00
Updated By:J. Gordon Lambert, MD, Associate Medical Director,
Utah Health Informatics and