Secondary amenorrhea
Alternative names:
amenorrhea - secondary
Treatment depends on the cause of the amenorrhea. If it is caused by another systemic disorder, normal menstrual function usually returns after the primary disorder is treated.
For example, if the primary disorder is hypothyroidism, then amenorrhea will be cured when the thyroid disorder is treated with thyroid supplements.
If the primary cause is obesity, vigorous athletics, weight loss, or similar factors, treatment recommendations may include moderation in exercise, weight control.
Expectations (prognosis):
The outcome depends on the cause. Most of the conditions that cause secondary amenorrhea will respond to treatment.
By itself, amenorrhea does not cause complications. However, the conditions that caused the amenorrhea may have complications.
Calling your health care provider:
Call for an appointment with your primary health care provider or OB/GYN provider if you are a woman and have missed more than one period so that the cause, and appropriate treatment, can be determined.