Breast lump removal
Alternative names:
Expectations after surgery:
The outcome of the lumpectomy depends on the type of lump found. If the lump is benign, (whether it is drained or excised) the outcome is complete remission with no complications. If the lump is malignant, the outcome depends on the spread of the tumor. Radiation therapy may be used in addition to surgery. In appropriate cases of malignant lumps, lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy may be as effective as a radical mastectomy. Typically, lumpectomy does not require a breast replacement (prosthesis).
Depending on the size of the lump and the size of a woman's breast, a lumpectomy may be the preferred
The convalescence period is very short for a lumpectomy.
Update Date: 02/09/00
Updated by: J. Gordon Lambert, MD, Associate Medical Director,
Utah Health Informatics and