Alternative names:
exhaustion; lethargy; tiredness; weariness
Home care:
There are no direct cures for the most common fatigue problems. Taking a vacation, changing jobs, undertaking new activities, and making marital adjustments can be helpful.
A balanced diet, a program for regular exercise (within prescribed limits), and adequate rest are recommended.
Set priorities, maintain a reasonable schedule, and develop good sleep habits.
Chronic fatigue can often be reduced by alleviating pain, which may interfere with rest, and nausea (if present) which may lead to malnutrition.
Taking stimulants does not work and can actually make the problem worse when the drugs are discontinued. Tranquilizers generally intensify fatigue. Vitamins may not solve the problem, but if taken in moderation probably won't hurt.
Call your health care provider if:
- there is prolonged, unexplained weakness or fatigue particularly if accompanied by other unexplained symptoms.
What to expect at your health care provider's office:
The medical history will be obtained and a physical examination performed. The examiner may inquire into lifestyle and feelings. If fatigue is not caused by a physical disorder, the patient may be referred for psychological counseling.
Medical history questions documenting fatigue may include: - sleep pattern
- How much do you sleep?
- What hours do you sleep?
- Do you awake feeling rested or fatigued?
- quality
- Does the level of fatigue remain constant throughout the day?
- Does fatigue get worse as the day goes on?
- emotional state
- Are you feeling boredom, unhappiness, or disappointment in your life?
- other
- Have you had unusual activity lately?
- How are your relationships?
- What is your diet like?
- Do you get regular exercise?
- What other symptoms are present? Is there pain? nausea?
- What medications are being taken?
- time pattern
- Has fatigue only been developing recently?
- Has it been lasting for weeks to months?
- Does fatigue occur in regular cycles?
Physical examination will include special attention to the heart, lungs, and thyroid gland.
Diagnostic tests that may be performed include: After seeing your health care provider: You may want to add a diagnosis related to fatigue to your personal medical record.