Numbness and tingling
Alternative names:
lack of sensation; loss of sensation; paresthesias; sensory loss; tingling
Home care:
The underlying cause should be treated by a health care provider.
A numb hand or foot may be more prone to accidental injury. Take care to protect the area from cuts, bumps, bruises, or other injury.
Call your health care provider if:
- tingling or numbness is not explained by an obvious cause (such as position-related "falling asleep" of a hand or foot).
- numbness and tingling is accompanied by other symptoms.
- numbness and tingling lasts longer than a few minutes.
What to expect at your health care provider's office:
- location
- Is it on the main part of the body (trunk)?
- Is it on the legs or feet?
- Which leg or foot is it on? Both?
- Is it on the inner (medial) thigh or calf?
- Is it on the arms and hands? Which (right, left, both)?
- Where, specifically is it on the hands or arm? (Palm, fingers, forearm etc.)
- Is it on the thumb, index, and middle finger only?
- Is it on the face?
- Is it around the eye (orbital)?
- Is it around the mouth (perioral)?
- Is it on the cheek?
- Is it on both sides of the face?
- Is it on the knee?
- Does it feels like the knee is giving way?
- Is it in many locations and the location changes (multiple and migratory)?
- Do you have numbness over the entire hand or foot (like a stocking or glove)?
- Is it only in the hand or foot (distal extremities)?
- quality
- Is it numbness?
- Is it tingling?
- Is it another abnormal sensation?
- Does the affected person ignore everything around them that occurs on the affected side (inattention to environmental stimuli on the affected side)?
- If two areas of skin on the affected side are stimulated at the same time (pinching, poking gently with a pin or with the finger, or similar stimulus) is there a reflexive response (for example, do they pull away, jerk, or complain of discomfort)?
- time pattern
- How long has the numbness lasted?
- When did it develop?
aggravating factors - Is it worse during or after exercise?
- Is it worse after standing?
other- What other symptoms are also present?
The physical examination will include evaluation of the neurologic system.
Diagnostic tests that may be performed include: After seeing your health care provider: You may want to add a diagnosis related to numbness and tingling to your personal medical record.