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Fetal heart and uterine contraction monitor
Overview   Risks   Results   

Fetal heart monitoring

Alternative names:

contraction stress test; CST; non-stress test; NST

How the test is performed:

External fetal monitoring:
By definition, external fetal monitoring is done through the skin (transdermally) and not meant to be invasive. You will sit with knees and back partially elevated with a cushion under the right hip, which moves your uterus to the left, or however you are comfortable, as long as your uterus is displaced to the left or for brief periods on the right. Sensitive electrodes (monitors) are placed on your abdomen over conducting jelly that can sense both fetal heart rate (FHR) and the strength and duration of uterine contractions. Usually the output or results of this test are continuous and are printed out or appear on a computer screen. This allows your health care provider to monitor if your baby is experiencing fetal distress, and how well the fetus is tolerating the contractions. The decision to move to internal fetal monitoring is based on the information first obtained by external fetal monitoring.

The non-stress test (NST) is another way of externally monitoring your baby. The NST can be done as early as the 27th week of pregnancy and measures the FHR accelerations with normal movement. For this test, you will sit with knees and back partially elevated with a cushion under the right hip, which moves your uterus to the left. The same monitors described above are placed on your abdomen to measure the ability of the uterus to contract and the FHR. If there is no activity after 30 to 40 minutes, you will be given something to drink or a small meal which may stimulate fetal activity. Other interventions that might encourage fetal movement include the use of fetal acoustic stimulation (sending sounds to the fetus) and gently placing your hands on your abdomen and moving the fetus.

The contraction stress test (CST) is a final method of externally monitoring your baby. This test measures the ability of the placenta to adequately oxygenate the fetus under pressure (contractions). For this test, you will sit with knees and back partially elevated with a cushion under the right hip, which moves your uterus to the left. The same monitors described above are placed on your abdomen to measure uterine contractility and FHR. If contractions are not occurring spontaneously either a medication called oxytocin will be given intravenously, or nipple stimulation will be used to induce contractions.

If oxytocin is administered it is called the oxytocin challenge test (OCT). Oxytocin is administered through an IV until three uterine contractions are observed lasting 40 to 60 seconds over a 10-minute period.

A test involving nipple stimulation is called the nipple stimulation contractions stress test. Every effort will be taken to ensure your privacy, but the nurse will be with you through the entire procedure. After being positioned as described above, you will rub the palm of your hand across one nipple through your garments for 2 to 3 minutes. After a 5-minute rest, the nipple stimulation should continue until 40 minutes have elapsed, or 3 contractions have occurred lasting more than 40 seconds within a 10-minute period. If a uterine contraction starts, you should stop the nipple stimulation.

Internal fetal monitoring:
Internal fetal monitoring involves placing a electrode directly on the fetal scalp through the cervix. Your health care provider may use this method of monitoring your baby if external monitoring is not working well, or the information is suspicious. This method of monitoring should only be used if your water has already ruptured, you are dilated to a 3 (3 cm), and your baby is positioned properly.

A vaginal examination will be performed, and the electrode will be introduced into the vaginal canal with its plastic sheath. This plastic guide is moved through the cervix and placed on the fetus' scalp, then removed. The electrode's wire is strapped to your thigh, and attached to the monitor.

How to prepare for the test:

An explanation of the procedure and its risks is provided by your health care provider. You will be asked to wear a hospital gown and sign a consent form prior to the procedure.

How the test will feel:

External fetal monitoring:
Sitting in place for extended periods of time can become uncomfortable for some people. If this is the case with you, notify your health care provider, who will help reposition you to a more comfortable position.

The jelly that is placed under the external monitors is the same used for ultrasounds, and may be cold.

Internal fetal monitoring:
Some patients report feeling mild discomfort while the electrode is inserted through the cervix.

Why the test is performed:

Both types of tests are performed to evaluate fetal heart rate and variability between beats, especially in relation to uterine contractions. The tests also indicate the frequency and strength of uterine contractions. This information is invaluable in determining how well your baby is tolerating the birth process, and if there needs to be emergency intervention. The purpose of monitoring is to detect early changes suggestive of fetal distress and intervene early enough to insure a successful delivery with the lowest possible infant morbidity.

Update Date: 02/09/00
Updated by: J. Gordon Lambert, MD, Associate Medical Director, Utah Health Informatics and editorial



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