Biopsy - polyps
Alternative names:
polyp biopsy
How the test is performed:
A polyp is a tumor that is an outgrowth of normal or abnormal tissue attached by a pedicle. They are commonly found in the more vascular organs (thus they easily bleed), such as the uterus, rectum, and nose.
How a polyp biopsy is taken depends on the location: For areas of the body that are visible, a topical anesthetic is applied, and a small piece of the tissue that appears to be abnormal is removed. The suspect tissue is sent to the laboratory where technicians determine if the polyp is benign or malignant.
How to prepare for the test:
If the biopsy is to take place in the nose, or other visible surface or orifice, no special preparation is required, although fasting for a few a hours may be advisable.
There is more involved preparation for some of the internal procedures, please see those topics for additional information.
How the test will feel:
You may feel a tugging sensation while the biopsy is being taken, and after the anesthetic wears off the area may be sore for a few days. Please see the individual procedure topics for more specific information.
Why the test is performed:
The test is performed to determine if the growth is malignant (cancer causing.)